Emma had her finger shut in the sliding glass door about 3 weeks ago and her finger nail finally fell off...good thing because now it looks like it is healing.
On Thursday night at about 3 am Dan and I were awoke by strange noises, so Dan being the manly man grabbed a hammer to check it out. As he was checking the house over for intruders I yelled to him..."the noice is up here!" Dan came upstairs and opened the door to the balcony off of our bedroom to find a raccoon staring back at him! We got lots of pictures. I think that is the first real raccoon that I have seen that isn't in the zoo. (see below)
Lastly, we had our friends Victor and Natasha Padilla from Clarksville, TN visit on Friday night. We first met the Padillas at our intro/fundraising week with Navs two years ago. Last summer they came out with their three kids to camp and two of their kids attended camp. In the fall we went to TN to visit them. They were in Denver for a military Navigator conference. They are threatening to come back this summer again for camp and we sure hope they do!!