Last Monday Greg and Linda Kilpila and their six kids from Cokato, MN came over. It was so great to have our home filled with kids. They were in and out and in and out! Praise God for the nice weather that day. Linda had a cleaning class for me and a couple does Linda know her stuff! Sadly we did not get any pictures with them...too busy I guess!
Tuesday Joel and Michelle Ostrom and their five kids visited Dan up at Eagle Lake Camp. We were so excited that they stopped by to tour camp. We sure hope that they make it back when their isn't so much snow up there!
On Wednesday our great friends Wes and Suz Greer came over. We have not seen them since their wedding on New Years. It was so great catching up with them and hearing how their first couple months of marriage have been going. Wes and Suz met at camp our first year there. We have had the privilage of seeing them meet, date, engaged and now married. They both have been so good with our kids and especially Aaron.
Aunt Ione, Aaron, Aaron, Maggie, Emma and Uncle Merlin
Uncle Merlin and Emma
Aunt Ione and Aaron
The morning they left! Ione sporting an Eagle Lake sweatshirt
Joel and Michelle Ostrom and kids standing on the Eagle Lake
Wes and Suz Greer

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