Ok, so I know that I haven't written in a long time...but we have been SO busy. Along with all of the visitors/family that we have had here we have been super busy with ministry life here at camp.
Well...this is week 10. We call this week Shock week because it is our high school week. All of the programing that has been done so far this week goes out the door and we have all new programing and rules. For example: breakfast is served in bed and bedtime is midnight. Hence catering to high schoolers.
We have had such an awesome summer...our best by far.
Some of our last five week highlights:
- Jen H. and I threw three showers. Rosa (baby), Katlyn (bridal), and Miranda (bridal)
- Our nieces Janey Haataja and Maddy Maki joined session 2 crew (five weeks working in the kitchen)
- Our nephew Peter Soderstrom flew out to work with Dan and Max.
- Eric, Brenda, Jim, Katie, and Susie Soderstrom (Beth's brother and family) flew out for a weekend and Jim and Pete stayed for week 8 Rez camp
- Ken and Emily Haataja came to visit Janey and drop of Daniel our nephew for week 9 Rez camp
- Eric Maki and Griffin (our nephew) drove out to drop Griffin off for week 9 Rez camp
- Our small group from Rocky Mountain Calvary came up for a Saturday afternoon
- one of Beth's girls in her bible study got asked to come back as a PC for the next two years....very exciting!
- Laurie (a girl in Beth's bible study left early...had to say goodbye to a good friend.
- meeting weekly with Derek and Miranda, the couple that we walked through marriage counseling
Here are some random pics of our last five weeks of highlights.

Beth, Rosa, and Jen at Rosa's shower

Niece Maddy working in the kitchen

Eric and the family

Nephew Pete and niece Janey