So we are again packing and moving EVERTHING up to camp. Our official move date is May 15th. We are going to try to move in one big move. Since the home that we moved into last fall was "furnished" we moved all of that furniture up to the trailer and our stuff we need to move all of our stuff out and the original furniture and decorations back! Ick...
Once we are back up at camp we will again not have cell phone reception, but we will have high speed internet. I will be a lot better at updating. We will have a couple entries a week during camp.
Last week we had Nana and Papa Johnson (Dan's parents) here for 7 days. We had such a good time with them. Dan took Papa up to camp for a day to observe and see camp. It was the first time that Papa has been up to camp. The weather was hot then cold then snow then sun...typical Colorado spring. I will post some pictures later when I get them on the computer.
That is it so far for us. More later.

B--Bummer about your house! Crazy that you, me and Sarah are moving at the same time. Boxes and packing tape and labeling and sorting=lots of fun, right?! Hope everything goes well on the 18th and then have fun celebrating your 30th b-day on the 23rd! Angie did your move in go?