On the 15th of this month we and 10 of our GREATEST friends helped us move everything out of the townhome that we were in up to camp. We managed to move everything in one move. Thank goodness! It was many of their first times up to camp. It wasn't a very nice day so our bbq was held indoors amongst the clutter. That night and the next day we were busy putting everything away. All of the other full time staff moved up that day also. It is sure fun to see everyone on a daily basis again.
Then came the implant. As we have told many of you, I, Beth, am trying to be a surrogate for a family in Eagle, CO. Dan and I headed for Denver on Tuesday the 18th and a highly renowned clinic called CCRM (Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine) implanted one fertilized embryo. I then got to spend 3 1/2 glorious days in a hotel suite waited on hand and foot by the intended mother. We had a GREAT time. I will have a blood test on Thursday the 27th to find out if the embryo stuck! We would love your prayers around that.
Now to the present. My parents came on Tuesday the day of the implant to be with the kids. They are still here helping out because I am not suppose to lift more than 10 lbs. (ie. the kids!)
More and more staff keep coming everyday and the camp is quickly coming together. I drove the camp a couple days ago and it was exciting seeing the boats out at the lake and the picnic tables around the grounds. We are definitely in camp food mode. We had dino nuggets, and taco salads yesterday and grilled cheese and tomato soup today. The cook this year is really trying...she added basil to the soup and it was very good!
Grandpa is busy with whatever he can get his hands on. Today his project was making me garden boxes. He is excited about planting potatoes and lettuce.
Grandma is busy playing with the kids and cleaning anything she can. She is a great help to me.
I am hoping to get my flowers for my patio tomorrow. The hummingbirds are out like crazy.
Please check back regularly, as I will try to update multiple times a week with updates, praises and prayer requests.
-Our most pressing prayer requests now are that camp would come together on time.
-For Dan and my bible study groups would be good matches and that we would all be well suited for each other.
-And for Baby P that it would grow to a strong baby

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